Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Traditions

When I look back at my childhood, there are so many traditions that we had at Christmas time, and I loved every single one of them. Now as an adult, I see things a little differently. As much as I loved what we did when I was younger, and will bring some of those traditions into my children's life, I look so forward to starting new traditions with my own family this Christmas. What things are you most looking forward to this Christmas?



  1. Beautiful picture.XOXO makes my heart melt.

  2. I love Christmas traditions…
    every christmas my family and I
    have this amazing christmas breakfast.
    It's so nice!

  3. We're the exact same way! We love to do the fun things year after year as a family! I'm super excited about doing the Santa thing this year. My girls are little so they are starting to understand. Next year, I'd love to start an annual gingerbread house party with all my family. :D

    Thanks for sharing and linking up for Mommy Madness! I'm following you back and looking forward to reading your blog! :0

    Have a Blessed Christmas!

  4. Hi, new follower here! I'm just doing a little blog hopping :)

    I have 2 giveaways going on if you're interested: We Don't Have It All Together

  5. What a lovely photo of you and your little one. Popped by from the Mommy Madness Blog hop over at Mommy Moment. Hope that you will want to pop over to see my blog, too. Have signed to follow your blog.
    I have a huge post with all kinds of neat ideas for arts and crafts, recipes, family traditions, freebies, discounts, and giveaways to go with the theme Around the World in December. Put tons of time putting such a comprehensive list together so hope that you and your blog readers will want to read it too...
    Happy Friday!

  6. I just discovered the Mommy Madness Blog hop and put my blogs on there - but didn't do a post this time - definitely will next time. I love your blog. It caught my eye because I have a blog called Family Literacy and You! LOL - I love the pictures in Kids books!

    I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Tina "The Book Lady"

  7. Thanks for linking up with Mommy Madness!
    What a beautiful picture!

    Have a very Merry Christmas, I'm your newest follower!

